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Our Programs

2024 Cost Share Programs

Through the Department of Agriculture Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) Producer Led Watershed Protection Grant, we are able to create and offer custom cost share programs to farmers who operate acres within our focus watersheds to implement practices on their acres.


On Farm Demonstration & Research Projects

We are able to conduct on farm demonstration and research projects to showcase practices and collect data and information about our area through collaboration with other agencies, organizations, and farms that have shared interest and common goal.

Check out our some of the resources we have found to be helpful to learn more about practices such as no till, cover crops, planting green, rotational grazing, and more.

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We host a variety of field days, pasture walks, workshops, and meetings to provide opportunities to learn, connect, and share knowledge and experiences. We also work to participate in community events to raise awareness on the importance of soil health and to share how farms are working to protect our shared natural resources. 

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