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Cost Share

The Sauk Soil and Water Improvement Group (SSWIG) Conservation Practice Cost Share Program is intended to encourage local farms to test and adopt new conservation practices on their operations. These funds are available on a first-come, first-served basis until all fund pools have been allocated. Practice cost share funds will only be disbursed after program participants provide proof of implementation (e.g. photos), receipts, field maps, and seed tags (if applicable), and the SSWIG advisory committee has reviewed and approved payments.


Eligibility Requirements:

  • Applicant must be a current registered SSWIG Member(s)

  • Applicant must complete current annual farm practice survey (please see page 3 of application)

  • Field(s) in application must be within the SSWIG focus watershed boundaries (please see map)

  • Field(s) in application shall not be enrolled in additional cost share programs for the same practice(s)

  • Field(s) included in application must meet WI State Agriculture Performance Standards and Prohibitions


Application deadline for the 2025 SSWIG cost-share programs is October 1, 2025.

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Education Scholarship

Reimbursement for registration fees to attend a class, workshop, field day, event, etc. to learn about soil health practices and/or water quality 


$50.00 max./SSWIG Member


Single Species Cover Crop 

Plant a cover crop that will over winter


$30.00 per acre

(50 acre maximum per application)


Grazing Cover Crops

Integrate livestock back onto your croplands by grazing cover crops.


$80.00 per acre

(50 acre maximum per application)


No Till

Implement no-till on the field(s) applied for.


$25.00 per acre

(50 acre maximum per application)


Multi-Species Cover Crop 

Plant two or more cover crops, with at least one species that will over winter.


$60.00 per acre

(50 acre maximum per application)

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Grazing Management

Implement a grazing management plan, approved by SSWIG to track pasture rotations over the course of a grazing season.


$10.00 per acre

(50 acre maximum per application)


Winter Kill Cover Crop

Plant a cover crop that will not over winter.


$25.00 per acre

(50 acre maximum per application)


Planting Green

Plant cash crops into living cover crop(s) prior to terminating them.


$20.00 per acre

(50 acre maximum per application)

Submit completed copy of application via email to or mail to:

Sauk Soil & Water Improvement Group

S4515 Scenic Rd.

Baraboo, WI 53913

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