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Cost Share

The Sauk Soil and Water Improvement Group (SSWIG) Conservation Practice Cost Share Program is intended to encourage local farms to test and adopt new conservation practices on their operations. These funds are available on a first-come, first-serve basis until all fund pools have been allocated. Practice cost share funds will only be disbursed after program participants provide proof of implementation (e.g. photos), receipts, field maps, and seed tags (if applicable), and the SSWIG advisory committee has reviewed and approved payments.


Eligibility Requirements:

  • Applicant mist be a current registered SSWIG Member(s)

  • Applicant must complete current annual farm practice survey

  • Field(s) in application must be within the SSWIG focus watershed boundaries (please see map)

  • Field(s) in application shall not be enrolled in additional cost share programs for the same practice(s)

  • Field(s) included in application must meet WI State Agriculture Performance Standards and Prohibitions

2023 Farm Practice Survey

We are asking current and future members to help us by taking this brief survey to understand what conservation practices are being done on the land and to track our group’s progress. This survey will also help SSWIG get a sense of what members are interested in, so we can serve you better. Specific member information will remain confidential and only aggregated results will be shared out.

Please have this survey completed by October 1, 2023

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